Wednesday 10 June 2015

JSON Patches in REST

A JSON patch is exactly what its name suggests: a patch for a JSON document, i.e., another JSON doc describing a set of changes which are to be applied to the original JSON. JSON patch follows the RFC 6902 specification. The JSON patch specification can be readily combined with a rest interface so that clients can update their resource in part without the need to apply a PUT to re-upload the whole JSON. In this post we'll go through an application case: a RESTful web service for bibliographic entries.

Saturday 6 June 2015

JAQPOT: A predictive toxicology platform

JAQPOT Quattro is a predictive toxicology platform on the web which combines machine learning, cheminformatics, linked data and web technologies with the OpenTox and eNanomapper APIs to deliver a generic and interoperable solution for drug discovery. JAQPOT Quattro acts as a computational backend which can be used by user interfaces to provide access to QSAR and other functionality. At the same time, it can be used as a backend for developers and data scientists to perform computations and experiment will data that are available on the web.

Monday 30 March 2015

How to interrupt a message-driven bean

So, say you have started an asynchronous task running in a Java Enterprise (JEE) container. This is often done using the interface MessageListener and its method onMessage(Message) along with Topics. In brief, jobs are announced on a Topic (that is a list of jobs) where one or more listeners subscribe and check and every time a new job arrives they do some work. A Topic is like a TODO list while a MessageListener offers a thread while will undertake the announced job. However, while some thread executes such a job, we may decide that we want to stop the execution. In this article we will explain how such a thread can be interrupted.